About Me

What can I say, my story is just your average, common story of a Portuguese-American who grew up in Greater Boston, moved to Washington, D.C., and then Akron, Ohio, and who stumbled into a career in communications, marketing, and public relations that I am passionate about. Wait, I suppose that is not a common story after all.

I grew up in the Boston area to an immigrant family. My paternal grandparents immigrated from northern Portugal, and my maternal grandparents arrived to the United States from the island of São Miguel in the Azores. Besides being raised to cherish my culture and the identity it provided me, growing up as a Portuguese-American in Greater Boston, I was taught the value of hard work and passion, lessons I still live by to this day.

Every since I was a child, I believed I had my life well planned, with my career path that I mapped out for myself beginning with working as a staff member for an elected official, to becoming a chief of staff and ending with me becoming an elected official. However, after a chance encounter with communications, marketing, and public relations when I had the opportunity to help cover for a communications director on medical leave, I discovered a passion I did not know that I had, and I jumped with two feet into a new career journey. This 12+ year journey has provided me the opportunity to get my creative juices flowing by thinking outside the box to achieve results and effectively communicate with audiences through strategic brand management and public relations campaigns.

Some people may think I am a little crazy but I truly love developing strategic plans, monitoring analytics, and tinkering with plans to ensure success. I believe in never being afraid to dream too big when developing a strategic plan because there is always an opportunity to learn and improve, and you will never reach the full potential of your audience without attempting to standout from the crowd.

When I am not keeping up with trends in communications, marketing, and public relations, and trying to find the next opportunity to increase audience engagement, I am probably losing my voice as I passionately root on the sport teams that I am a fanatic over: the Boston Bruins, the Boston Celtics, the Boston Red Sox, the New England Patriots, Sporting Clube de Portugal, and Tottenham Hotspur.

If you are looking for a communications, marketing and public relations professional that has an obsessive passion for this field, then I am the individual you are looking for and I would like to hear from you!