Guide to Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: Tips for Design, Specification & Application

According to the American Concrete Institute CT-18, fiber-reinforced concrete is a concrete mixture that is reinforced with dispersed, randomly orientated fibers. These fibers can be used in lieu of traditional reinforcement, such as steel rebar. Defined by its composition, fiber reinforcement products for concrete fall into several different types of classification. A common classification is polymeric fiber, which include polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester, acrylic and aramid. Other types of fibers include natural, cellulose, glass and high- or low-strength steel. Fibers may also be classified as either macrofibers or microfibers. Macrofibers have in the past been referred to as structural fibers and are intended to carry load and used to replace traditional reinforcement in certain non-structural applications and limit crack widths. They are also used to minimize or eliminate early- or late-age cracking in concrete.

Roof Recovery Or Replacement?

By Jason Moore From the February 2022 Issue The need to repair a building’s roof is a situation that is all too familiar to many facility owners and managers. Still, undertaking such a large capital project like a roof repair can be hard to navigate. While costs may vary between recovering a roof or replacing a roof, it is important to know the proper questions to ask contractors in order to maximize cost savings and ensure the success of your roof repair project.

Treating Cracks in Concrete with Epoxy Healer/Sealer Coatings

Today’s concrete technology provides several ways to help limit the size and avoidance of cracks in concrete. Despite available preventative measures, such as a sound subgrade, designs for low-shrinkage concrete that incorporate shrinkage-reducing or shrinkage-compensating admixtures, using concrete with lower water-to-cementitious ratios, adding macro or microfibers, proper curing, using evaporation retarders and performing joint cutting operations as soon as possible, concrete can still maintain its tendency to crack. Narrow cracks, typically in the 0.01-0.06 inch (10-60 mm) width range, in concrete slabs are especially troubling when they occur on bridge and parking decks, elevated floor slabs and similar high-use horizontal slab surfaces. Cracking can allow for the penetration of water, sulfates, chlorides, and other harmful agents, accelerating surface spalling and the corrosion of steel reinforcement. This cycle of deterioration can shorten the service life of a concrete deck and require expensive repairs or full replacement of the deck in the future.

7 Key Benefits of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, construction materials such as steel—a necessary material for use in traditional concrete applications—have been significantly impacted by price increases and material shortages. While this may be concerning for businesses and municipalities that are set to begin, or are in the process of, construction projects involving parking decks, roads, bridges, and other concrete-related repairs, it may actually be a benefit in disguise as they can now utilize the short-term and long-term benefits of fiber-reinforced concrete.

Akron athletic trainers recognized for using Red Cross training to save life

January 20, 2021- Have you ever wanted to get CPR and AED training, but you thought you would never have an opportunity to use your training to save a life? Well, hopefully today’s post will change your mind. John Walters and Kalie Jenkins are athletic trainers at the University of Akron. On January 11, 2020, while working during an indoor track meet at the Stile Athletic Field House, a spectator in the stands began to experience chest pains. John and Kalie quickly responded to the aid of the

Red Cross disaster workers ring in new year helping others

January 4, 2021- While many in Northern Ohio were celebrating the ushering in of 2021, and the Cleveland Browns returning to the NFL playoffs, disaster workers from the American Red Cross were active during the holiday weekend helping neighbors in need. Despite the cold temperatures and the constant uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Disaster Action Team (DAT) members took time out of their New Year’s celebrations this weekend (December 31-January 3) to virtually and socially distan

Festival of Trees spreads holiday cheer and the Red Cross mission

December 4, 2020- Some of our holiday traditions will look a little different this year due to COVID-19, and the desire to keep everyone safe. It was no different for the annual American Red Cross of Heartland, Stark and Muskingum Lakes Festival of Trees. While still featuring the decorated holiday trees, beautiful wreaths and other auction items, this premier Northern Ohio holiday event went virtual in 2020. The event helps neighbors who experience a disaster like a home fire. The money raise

This is what a socially distant response looks like

August 10, 2020- This summer has been unlike any other. We have canceled vacation plans, avoided the pools due to safety concerns and we are even wearing masks and keeping our distance when visiting family and friends. However, one thing that has not changed, despite the coronavirus, is that emergencies still occur and the American Red Cross will be there to assist residents in need. On Sunday, August 9, the Red Cross of Northern Ohio responded to a condo fire in Westlake that affected 15 resid

Home fire experience prompts East Liverpool resident to become Red Cross volunteer

February 20, 2020- Imagine coming home after a day of work or shopping for the upcoming holiday season, only to find that your home is on fire. That was the case for one East Liverpool family, following a fire believed to have been caused by the wood burner. As he was driving home from work in Canfield on the evening of Dec. 15, 2017, John Pomeroy noticed he received an unusually high number of text messages and missed calls. Being unable to read the messages as he was driving, he decided to re

Volunteers create quilts to help give those suffering from a local disaster a sense of home

August 26, 2019- Imagine that one day your home, unfortunately, is lost in a home fire. On the darkest day of your life, when you have lost everything you own, you stand there lost, unsure of how you will ever recover. Now imagine an American Red Cross Disaster Action Team (DAT) member standing next to you providing you comfort and guidance on the many ways the Red Cross could assist you. Then the DAT worker provides you and your family with a handmade quilt, giving you a sense of home and reas

Wrapped in Red Gala honors generosity of donors

May 3, 2019- Celebration will be in the air on Saturday, May 11 at The Global Center for Health Innovation. The American Red Cross of Northeast Ohio will be hosting the Wrapped in Red Gala. The Wrapped in Red Gala is a special “thank you” celebration recognizing the generosity of local organizations that have been instrumental in helping with the cost of a new bloodmobile for the Red Cross of Northeast Ohio. The Red Cross relies on bloodmobiles to fulfill its mission to collect and deliver lif

Family connection leads local volunteer to a passion for the Red Cross

A volunteer profile will post here each day during National Volunteer Week April 8, 2019- As a child, Alice Martinez was surrounded by stories about the Red Cross. Her father, who immigrated from Switzerland, would inundate her with stories about the Red Cross being founded in Switzerland, how the Red Cross’ logo is an inverse of the of the Swiss flag and even informed her that her family raised St. Bernard dogs, which the Red Cross would use for rescues. These stories not only showed Alice her

Hidden dangers: U.S. Department of Justice criminal antitrust enforcement priorities for 2018

Since 2007, the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division has criminally charged 575 individuals and 199 companies with antitrust violations. DOJ has collected over $10 billion in criminal antitrust fines and penalties, and the average prison sentence imposed on individual antitrust violators was 21 months. What are emerging enforcement trends in this area, and what can companies do to ensure they do not unwittingly run afoul of complex antitrust laws? DOJ Antitrust Division officials and t

To DREAM or not to DREAM, DACA is the question

After months of discussion, the Trump administration formally announced the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). In a press conference held on September 5, 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared that the administration will immediately stop accepting new applications for legal status under DACA and will phase out the program over the next six months. The decision came on the deadline for repeal set by Texas

Las Vegas Sun

This year, Nevada voters are going to the ballot box not only to decide the next president, but to decide the state’s energy future. Question 3, the Energy Choice Initiative, will ask voters whether electricity markets should be opened up, giving residential and business customers the right to choose their energy provider or generate their own energy starting in 2023. Poll after poll shows a large majority of Nevadans support rapidly ramping up renewable energy and energy efficiency. To ensure that Nevada’s progress on clean energy continues, we need to implement Energy Choice in a thoughtful way. That means all suppliers should contribute equally to achieving clear, aggressive clean energy goals by rapidly reducing use of fossil fuels in the electric sector and replacing them with renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Just Say No to Proposed Coal Export Terminal

There may be 460 miles separating Sandpoint from Longview, Wash., but a proposed coal export terminal in Longview will still have a direct impact on the health of Idahoans. The proposed Millennium Bulk Terminals a large project. As the largest proposed coal export terminal in North America, Millennium is estimated to export 44 million tons of coal overseas to Asia. How does a coal export terminal in Washington affect Idaho? The answer lies in where and how this coal will be transported.

It is Time to Ensure a College Education is Affordable

Recently, President Barack Obama discussed the importance of the federal government ensuring college affordability, an initiative that Massachusetts has already taken the lead on. As the Senate Chairman of the Joint Committee on Higher Education, I feel it is important for Massachusetts to promote ways to make higher education more affordable and accessible to students. There is a direct correlation between the amount of state funding allocated to public higher education in the state budget and the tuition and fees that the institutions charge their students.